Monday, March 17, 2008

obama must approve michigan plan - oh really

This Ickes guy is getting on my nerves. He's in Hillary's inner circle and admonishing Obama that Obama would be risking the democratic nominee's ability to carry Michigan if the plan is blocked by his camp. Oh really? Because hillary is not a hypocrite and would never do any thing to hurt the future nominee's chances of winning the general election. Hillary can not by any stretch of the imagination win the nomination short of Obama being removed from the process. In other words, she shouldn't be attacking the likely and probable nominee every time she opens her mouth. If Obama loses the general election after winning the nomination there is no doubt in my mind that it will (and should) be blamed upon Hillary. I put the chances of her winning the nomination as less than 1%. The chances of her doing harm and continue to harm the eventual nominee's (obama's) chances in the general election = 100% (because it has already happened with no sign of stopping soon). From my perspective she is willing to harm the greater good and what's good for the democratic party on the less than 1% chance that she will win the nomination. doesn't sound like someone i'd want to see in office no matter which party she is affiliated with. All the other democratic contendors left the campaign in dignity when they realized they no longer belong in the race...Here Hillary not only wants to stay in the race and lose, but she is trying to pull strings to change the rules. She should resign from NY politics and go into the moping business with her old friend gov spitzer. they belong together.

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