Monday, March 17, 2008

Advice for Elliot Spitzer - a chance for redemption

Spitzer has directly and indirectly ruined many lives. The public outrage at his misdoing is understandable. The current legal system is flawed. A minor infraction can come back to haunt someone many years later. This is not reforming criminal behaviour, it is encouraging more crime. The fact that crime statistics in NY are so high, particularly amongst minorities, is evidence of our flawed system.

Become a champion for the rights of those you pursued. Lobby for legislation pardoning non-violent misdemeanors when there is only one on the person's record and a certain amount of time has passed. This is the situation I am in. Convicted of an attempted misdemeanor, and unable to find work because of it, having left an important job on my own accord and hitting rock bottom. I'm tempted to turn crime to support myself. I'm in my 30s and lean on my family to pay my bills. It would be so easy for me to turn to crime, I would be so good at it, as I have been good at every occupation I've ever worked at. It would be easy if I did not have morals. Despite the treatment by the "system" I recognize the upward struggle the less fortunate face (those born into discrimination and poverty) and it sickens me. it sickens me more to know that i was born into privilege and opportunity and I am failing at getting back on my feet. Perhaps next week I will find a job. it has been over three years since i worked even though my sentence came out to a total of three days. I feel like I have been sentenced for the rest of my life.

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